WELCOME to my blog

This is Rosemary's blog - a new adventure for me! It's all a bit new so bear with me for now, please.
I want to extend the journalling I've been doing for almost 20 yrs into this more public medium, and going public with one's thoughts is inevitably scary.
If it's going to be like my handwritten journal then I'll be writing whatever comes into my head on all sorts of topics, public and private.
Particular themes that are likely to recur are:
- the value of reflection/ contemplation/ the reflective life
- spiritual guidance & discernment
- theatre & performance
- writing
- cats (esp. my cat Arthur)

Sunday 26 June 2011

My first post! (a trial)

A random image - looks nice!

I'm trying out a new blogsite I've just created in a class at the local Community Centre. It still seems a bit scary so I'm hesitant, though it all seems straightforward enough.

Wow! I've added an image already.

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