WELCOME to my blog

This is Rosemary's blog - a new adventure for me! It's all a bit new so bear with me for now, please.
I want to extend the journalling I've been doing for almost 20 yrs into this more public medium, and going public with one's thoughts is inevitably scary.
If it's going to be like my handwritten journal then I'll be writing whatever comes into my head on all sorts of topics, public and private.
Particular themes that are likely to recur are:
- the value of reflection/ contemplation/ the reflective life
- spiritual guidance & discernment
- theatre & performance
- writing
- cats (esp. my cat Arthur)

Sunday 26 June 2011

A second post - getting more interesting...

I'm starting to find my way around now and feeling a tad more confident. It'll come, I guess. So often I want instant results and don't give myself time to do things properly.

Let's try adding another random image:

 Here are some European trees (Austrian. I'm told). I like Aussie trees well enough, but European ones are nostalgic for me somehow.

What is about trees that they anchor the soul to to Home?
In most respects Europe is no longer Home for me after 26 years in Western Australia, yet I still miss the deciduous trees which mark the shift of seasons, dressing and undressing in variant colours as each year rolls throigh. Few such changes are noticeable here in WA, where there is only the yellowing . thirst of summer to mark seasonal difference in the natural environment of eucalypts. When I first arrived all those years ago, it seemed to me to be perpetual summer. Now I can't fail to differentiate the fierce brightness of hard-edged colours in summer, and the softer moistness of winter with its rippling complexities of light. Yet this confuses me, still, for I grew in a world where winter was stark and bare, while summer softly dappled. in lengthening shadows .
Here everything has to be relearnt and turned about. I'd thought the learning was done, that it was easy in a new country where the language is the same and history is shared, but the years pass and age increasingly divides me between There and Here, Then and Now. I ask the trees to whisper to me, to tell me where is Home, since I no longer know.

Interestingly, there is another shift requiring adjustment now: I'm writing this at 5pm on Monday 27th June, but the blogging software is in a different time (and season, I guess), believing this is still Sunday. How do I change it to log a local time & date?


  1. Hi Rosemary - I LOVE European trees too. I tire very easily from dull green Australian native trees.

    Good luck with your blog/journal - you may very well become addicted!!

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